Aug 27, 2008

Levi's 501 Unbuttoned Party

Was down in KL over the last weekend for the Levi's 501 Unbuttoned Party in Ruums, KL. Was quite an interesting party where there were some big people that I am not sure of, forgive me a noob in malaysia celebrity industry. There were people Hujan (Rain???) Ther person who sang Ipohmali, and MTV fella Joey G was it..... And few others... Meet some interesting people and had a great time there. So have a nice day and view some of the pictures that I took on that day.

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Lijuan said...

eugene... why r u nt inside wif the girls?? lolz... did i juz said something harsh??

U-Jean said...

hi eugene,

i wrote something in my blog that i would like you to read and maybe help to put it in your blog as well.

Thank you and sorry i'm using this as a dissemination channel.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't you in any of the pics? :P